It's NOT TO LATE to be a member of the Booster Club.


KPARK FFA family it's not to late to be a member of the booster club, with Hurricane Harvey  and our crazy schedule this past fall families were allowed extended time to pay membership dues.

Members in good standing and who donate 20 hours a year can help their students eligibility when it comes time to graduate and earn a Booster Club Scholarship.  Member in good standing can vote in upcoming elections and help our club grow.  Currently each class has the following participation;

2018 - 11/16     2019 - 11/21     2020 - 6/13     2021 - 5/9    or 55% of the families.

If you have any questions please contact a board member.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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